Free SEO access tool
Free SEO
SEO Analyze
Our SEO crawler will find broken links and images, check for duplicate content: pages, texts, duplicate title and meta description tags, H1s. You can spot these grave website SEO issues as well as dozens of others in just a few clicks.
Our tool will help you regularly check on-page SEO of your website: check redirects, robots.txt, crawling and indexing instructions, relevant tags. You can also use our website crawler as a bulk status code checker for site pages. As a cherry on top, you can import data from Google Analytics, Search Console, and Yandex.Metrica.
Need to extract data from website? In Netpeak Spider’s built-in website scraper you can use up to 100 conditions and four types of search (contains, Regexp, XPath, CSS).
Try scraping markup, hreflangs, as well as emails, phone numbers, etc.
Select certain data segment in the program to focus on it when searching for useful insights (just like in Google Analytics). It comes in handy when crawling huge websites: you can take a deeper look at your data segment
by segment.
Get page metrics from the most trusted tools, search engines, and databases in one convenient place such as Moz, SERPStats, Bing Ads, Google, SEMRush, SimilarWeb, Alexa, Yahoo, Yandex, Pinterest, MaxMind, Ahrefs, etc.
for Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex
Our built-in SERP checker tool allows to get search results for any queries, using custom geo location, country, and language settings, search operators and prefixes, and even limit the scraping to a certain snippet type (video, image, news, sitelink).
Our program helps check pages in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex index, find out a date and time when it was cached by a search engine and track if it’s merged with other URLs.
When using our bulk URL checker or scraping SERP you can use proxies and CAPTCHA solving services, such as 2Captcha, Anti-Captcha, RuCaptcha, CapMonster.
Professional Features
Standard support: via online chat and email on a first-come, first-served basis
Priority support: via online chat and email with priority in queue
VIP support: consulting via most suitable medium – popular messengers, video, phone, online chat, and email with top priority
Professional Features
Standard support: via online chat and email on a first-come, first-served basis
Priority support: via online chat and email with priority in queue
VIP support: consulting via most suitable medium – popular messengers, video, phone, online chat, and email with top priority
Professional Features
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